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Thursday, January 3, 2013


 "The cis-Caucasus was the ancient cultural and geographic matrix of the Ashkenazi Jews, a white Eastern European stock totally distinct from the Biblical Jews. Turania was the remote origin, and "Khazaria" a later expression, of the brutal crypto-fascism of the New World Order whose ideologues and enforcers are often Ashkenazi Jews. In the NWO, Zionist politics and salvationist religion serve the master plan of domination in ways that have nothing to do with the genuine religious tradition of the ancient Hebrews and their true descendents, Sephardic Jews."

The black diamond marks the Urmian Plateau, location of the White Mountain of Seir, geographical matrix of the Gnostic movement. The gray cross situates this locale at the generative center of the entire region shown by the map. The vertical arms extend from Greece in the west to Ghandara in the east. The horizontal arm parallels the Fertile Crescent and, at its extreme extension south, marks Eridu, the ancient Sumerian port on the Arabian Sea. 


Although Near Eastern theocracies emerged in the Fertile Crescent, the directing agency behind them was the Magian Order that originated on the Urmian plateau. From there the Zoroastrian Magi, later called Illuminati, spread southward and eastward (blue lines), setting up the first theocratic states. From the same point a different branch of the Magian Order, comprising the telestai or Gnostics as we understand them today, spread both east and west (brown lines), establishing the widespread network of the Mysteries.

Notable details:

The extreme extension of the telestai in the Near East is Ephesus (circle at the western end of the horizontal arm), famous for its statue of the many-breasted Artemis. Syria was a stronghold of pre-Christian Gnosticism and later anti-Christian Gnosticism. From the Levant the movement spread into the Grecian Isles, mainland Greece, Italy, and further westward. The network of the Mysteries also ran westward across the southern rim of the Mediterranean Sea, toward Carthage. Note that the movement covered areas on both sides of the Dead Sea, i.e., Jerusalem and Qumran to the west, and Nabatea (modern Jordan) to the east, as well as the Negev Desert south of the Dead Sea, which was fertile down to the 3rd millenium BCE. The Negev was called Seir in ancient times, due to the density of the Gnostic cults in that region.

Egyptian civilization was deeply permeated by the Gnostic movement from Urmia, but it was not based on the Magian model of theocracy; rather, on a different model derived from the native animistic religions of Africa. One of the last outposts of the movement may have been the temple of Hathor at Dendera on the bend of the Nile close to Nag Hammadi (brown loop).

The western extension of the Gnostic movement extended to Bactria and the Hindu Kush where Greece art and intellectual culture merged with Buddhism to form a unique genre, Ghandaran art.

The Magians carried their agenda of patriarchal statecraft and their master-slave model of social control southward into the Fertile Cresent as well as eastward into Turkey. In one instance, the theocratic regime of the Magians dead-ended violently (blue line T) in the Hittite Empire in Central Turkey. Nearby was Catal Huyuk, a prehistorical Goddess-oriented society, an example of a non-theocratic culture in close proximity to a theocratic one. Catal Huyuk pre-dated the Hittites by millennia, of course. (Mellart says that the pre-urban, Goddess-based society of Anatolia "represents the climax of a process that must have started in the Upper Paleolithic, c. 35,000-10,000." The Archeology of Ancient Turkey, p. 22) After 2000 BCE, theocratic tyrants run by the Magian priesthood imposed the patriarchal model more and more agressively on surviving gylanic cultures. This is the period of the invasion of the Eastern Sea Kings, and, of course, the epoch of Abraham. (See R. A. Boulay, Flying Serpents and Dragons, Ch. 22.)

The blue line extending northward from the Urmian Plateau shows the extension of the Magian Order into the Caucasus mountains where the Empire of the Khazars arose much later, around 740 CE. Long before that time, this region was inhabited by a northern branch of the Sumerians, known as the Turanians. The split between Turan (cis-Caucasian) and Iran (trans-Caucasian) probably occured around 6000 BCE (Geminian Age, Zoroaster). According to Steinerite prehistorian Gunther Wachsmuth (The Evolution of Mankind), Turanian culture was pathologically violent, its leaders bent on conquest by sheer force, whereas ancient Iranian culture was based on a pacifist model of agricultural society. He compares the Turanians to the blood-thirsty Aztecs of Central America. Both cultures shared the same theology of split-source dualism, however. 

The cis-Caucasus was the ancient cultural and geographic matrix of the Ashkenazi Jews, a white Eastern European stock totally distinct from the Biblical Jews. Turania was the remote origin, and "Khazaria" a later expression, of the brutal crypto-fascism of the New World Order whose ideologues and enforcers are often Ashkenazi Jews. In the NWO, Zionist politics and salvationist religion serve the master plan of domination in ways that have nothing to do with the genuine religious tradition of the ancient Hebrews and their true descendents, Sephardic Jews.

Khazaria is the little-known origin of much of the global conflict today, especially the orchestrated war of ideologies between Islam and Christianity. David Icke's chapter on the Khazars is full of well-documented research on the Khazars. (Reproduced here: Figure 7 in C. 4 of Tales from the Time Loop by David Icke.) The Turanian-Khazar-Ashkenazi complex is the deep historical background of the Illuminati who operate through religious, political, and military manipulation in our time. One of their main ploys is Jewish conspiracy theory. Icke's research suggests how the faux-Jewish Illuminati play both sides at once: they promote false rumors of a Jewish conspiracy (e.g., "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion") and, at the same time, they cynically, maliciously promote Zionism as a sacred cause, even though Ashkenazi Jews have no racial, religious, or cultural connection to genuine Biblical Judaism. (Map of Khazaria from David Icke, Tales from the Time Loop.)

jll: October 2006

 Metahistory: Gnostic Matrix (MAP)

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