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Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have learned by experience that, for lack of knowing what question I should have asked, progress is stymied. For that reason, assuming others are plagued similarly, when speaking of matters dealing with conspiracy history, I seldom wait for the question before offering the answer.

Or, sometimes I am compelled to act and only later does the answer follow.

I have already shared that I am not a new student of conspiracy history, so it is not that I have nothing to say. I struggle to know how to say what needs to be said; how to give credibility to ideas that seem incredible.

So, I will tell you before you ask: what has given me courage to stand firm for my beliefs is the realization that "conspiracy" thinking is not new. You don't have to believe me. There are a host of others who precede me. I have only learned what they have to say, and based on their research and documentation, I feel confident to share with others. I think it is unnecessary to reinvent the wheel, or repeat their research. What I can do is take their research and connect it to events of my lifetime to play it forward.

The suggestion that Jesus was aware of a conspiracy of which He made frequent reference, issuing repeated warnings to whoever would listen, has completely changed my understanding of the Bible and religion. He spoke of "those who call themselves Jews, but are not" and the "Synagogue of Satan" (Revelations 2:9)

If my introduction to conspiracy history began with the questions surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in the 60s, masked in a Taylor Caldwell novel, imagine my surprise to learn that there were people in the 1930s and 40s who were also aware and seeking answers for the questions they were compelled to ask relating to circumstances and events of their time: Albert Jay Nock and William Guy Carr; Nesta Webster; Major General Smedley Butler; Douglas Reed.

Mine has been a careless, self-serving research compared to the labours of the above authors, many whose books have been well-researched, well-written, and heavily well-documented that there could be no doubt of the facts they were exposing.

I have just begun to mine the writings of these authors, currently reading the books of William Guy Carr. Many of the books written by these authors are available as .pdf files online. Eventually, I will have copies or links available here, too.

When talking about conspiracy history these days, I include the names of those people who have left their stories behind as a witness to what they saw unfolding in their lifetime.

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