Weather Wars Database - Weather Modification is No Longer a Conspiracy
A world tour of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Nuclear Plants, Radars, Radio Transmitters, and Weather Modification Devices
This page is dedicated to disproving all you "tinfoil hat" comment posting sock-puppets, trolls, and e-bastards. Herein you will find the most complete directory of Weather Modification related companies, associations, scientific papers, and links on the internet. I am also providing a Google Earth KMZ freely to the world. Tons of work went into this, so feel free to mirror and share it, just please leave the link to my website. The Google Earth KMZ file below contains many possible global climate modification devices. Inform yourself, inform your neighbors.Yours truly, R3zn8D
DOWNLOAD WEATHER WARS version 09/19/2011
Weather Modification, Geo-Engineering 101
Learn the truth about weather modification
I intend this page to be the most comprehensive directory on the planet.
The utmost care has gone into assuring validity for postings here.
Associations & Corporations
The Weather Modification Association (WMA)
Association: Weather Modification Association (WMA)Members: Full Corporate Roster
Texas Weather Modification Association (TWMA)
Website: www.texasweathermodification.comVideo: Texas Weather Modification Advisory Committee - August 25, 2011
Video: Weather Modification in Texas Admitted As Recent as Aug, 2011
Association: TWMA - West Texas Weather Modification Association
Association: TWMA - Southwest Texas Rain Enhancement Association
Association: TWMA - South Texas Weather Modification Association
Association: TWMA - Panhandle GCD Precipitation Enhancement Program
Association: TWMA - Seeding Operations and Atmospheric Research (SOAR)
Association: TWMA - (SOAR) old website -
Other Companies and Associations
Company: Aquiess / Drake International - Global Rain ProjectCompany: 3D s.a. General Aviation Applications
Institute: Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology CAIPEEX
Military: SciBlue Inc. - LaJunta County Municipal Air
Military: SciBlue Inc. - CEO Col. David Kutchinski
Military: SciBlue Inc. - US Air Force
Military: SciBlue Inc. - Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, N.E.C.
Military: SciBlue Inc. - Energy and Utilities industry
Military: SciBlue Inc. - "Using the rivers of the Troposphere" by Kutchinski
Military: WMA - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Company: Deepwater Chemicals (Iodine Provider)Company: Ice Crystal Engineering LLC (seeding supplies)
Company: Droplet Measurement Technologies
Company: Advanced Radar Corp (applications related to cloud seeding)
Company: Electronic Systems Developement CC
Company: Aurora Flight Sciences
Institute: Desert Research Institute
Company: Hydro-Tasmania
TWMA Projects Map: Weather Modification Association Project Locations Map
NOAA Spreadsheets Listing Ongoing Weather Modification Programs in the United States
PDF: 450WV 2011 NOAA Interim Listing of Weather Modification Programs Spreadsheet 11WXMOD5 as of July 7, 2011.pdfPDF: 450WV 2010 NOAA Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs Spreadsheet 10WXMOD5.pdf
PDF: 450WV 2009 NOAA Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs Spreadsheet 09WXMOD5.pdf
PDF: 450WV 2008 NOAA Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs Spreadsheet 08WXMOD5.pdf
PDF: 450VW 2006 NOAA Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs Spreadsheet 06WXMOD5.pdf
PDF: 450VW 2005 NOAA Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs Spreadsheet 05WXMOD5.pdf
PDF: 450VW 2004 NOAA Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs Spreadsheet 04WXMOD5.pdf
Studies and Papers
PDF: Weather Modification: The Evolution of an R&D Program into a Military Operation
PDF: The Evolution of the Air Force Aerial Spray Capability (.MIL)
PDF: Fifth Annual Survey Report - Air Weather Service WEA Modification Program 1972 (.MIL)
PDF: USAF - 44 aerial spray sorties, they treated more than 2.8 million acres, using 13,775 gallons of insecticide, New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
PDF: Aquiess RAINAID - African Drought Relief using Electromagnetic Cloud Shifting
PDF: (American Meteorological Society) Critical Assessment of Hygroscopic Seeding of Convective Clouds for Rainfall Enhancement
PDF: (American Meteorological Society) Results of the South African Cloud-Seeding Experiments Using Hygroscopic Flares
PDF: (WMA) Environmental Impact of Using Silver Iodide as a Cloud Seeding Agent
PDF: (TWMA) Annual Evaluation Report 2010 Texas Cloud Seeding Project Results
PDF: Geo-Engineering Cost Analysis - Aurora Flight Sciences
PDF: Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research (Brief) - NRC BASC
PDF: Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX) Over India
Weather Modification Patents
1891 PDF: 0462795 - Method of Producing Rain-Fall
1914 PDF: 1103490 - Rain Maker (balloon images)
1924 PDF: 1512783 - Composition for dispelling fogs
1933 PDF: 1928963 - Electrical system and method (for spraying chemtrails)
1936 PDF: 2052626 - Method of dispelling fog (MIT)
1937 PDF: 2068987 - Process of dissipating fog
1939 PDF: 2160900 - Method for vapor clearing
1941 PDF: 2232728 - Method and composition for dispelling vapors
1941 PDF: 2257360 - Desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive
1950 PDF: 2527230 - Method of crystal formation and precipitation
1951 PDF: 2550324 - Process for controlling weather
1951 PDF: 2570867 - Method of crystal formation and precipitation (GENERAL ELECTRIC)
1958 PDF: 2835530 - Process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog
1959 PDF: 2903188 - Control of tropical cyclone formation
1960 PDF: 2962450 - Fog dispelling composition (SEE REFERENCES)
1962 PDF: 3044911 - Propellant system
1962 PDF: 3056556 - Method of artificially influencing the weather
1964 PDF: 3120459 - Composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts
1964 PDF: 3127107 - Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals
1966 PDF: 3257801 - Pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminum additive and binder
1969 PDF: 3430533 - Aircraft Dispensor Pod Having Self-Sealing Ejection Tubes
1969 PDF: 3441214 - Method and Apparatus for Seeding Clouds
1970 PDF: 3517512 - Apparatus for Suppressing Contrails
1970 PDF: 3534906 - Control of Atmospheric Particles (DOW CHEMICAL CO)
1971 PDF: 3608810 - Methods of Treating Atmospheric Conditions
1971 PDF: 3613992 - Weather Modification Method
1971 PDF: 3630950 - Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
1972 PDF: 3647710 - Method for Dispersing Fog with Phosphate Salt Compositions
1972 PDF: 3653383 - Algin Sponge and Process Therefor
1972 PDF: 3659785 - Weather Modification Utilizing Microencapsulated Material (GROSS)
1972 PDF: 3690552 - Fog Dispersal
1974 PDF: 3784099 - Air Pollution Control Method
1974 PDF: 3785557 - Cloud Seeding System
1975 PDF: 3896993 - Process for local modification of the structure of fog and clouds for triggering their precipitation and for hindering the development of hail producing clouds
1975 PDF: 3902934 - Gas generating compositions
1976 PDF: 3940059 - Method of fog dispersion
1977 PDF: RE29142 - Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
1978 PDF: 4096005 - Pyrotechnic cloud seeding composition
1978 PDF: 4111911 - Method of hardening liquid resols
1979 PDF: 4141274 - Weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser
1981 PDF: 4269637 - High-performance MHD solid gas generator
1983 PDF: 4373391 - Relative humidity sensitive material
1986 PDF: 4600147 - Liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus
1987 PDF: 4653690 - Method of producing cumulus clouds
1992 PDF: 5174498 - Cloud seeding
1992 PDF: 5357865 - Method of cloud seeding
1995 PDF: 5441200 - Tropical cyclone disruption (HURRICANES!)
2001 PDF: 6315213 - Method of Modifying the Weather
Weather Modification Laws
Source: 1977 - ENMOD - Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
Source: 2001 - H.R.2977 Space Preservation Act - Library of Congress
Short History of the Space Preservation Act - Wikipedia
Dennis Kucinich introduced the first Space Preservation Act, on October 2, 2001, with no cosponsors. The bill was designed to "preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind." The bill was referred to the House Science, the House Armed Services, and the House International Relations committees. The bill DIED in committee (April 9, 2002) because of an unfavorable executive comment received from the Department of Defense.
Source: 2006 - Weather Modification Law in the USA
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Weather Modification and Control - Agriculture CodeTexas Weather Modification Law
Texas Weather Modification Rules
Chemtrails - Cloud Seeding

In a (NON-MILITARY) cloud top seeding mission, an aircraft releases Silver Iodide flares (1), supercooled liquid water is converted into ice particles (2), releasing latent heat, increasing buoyancy, and invigorating cloud updrafts (3).
Reported side effects of chemtrail spraying include:
Allergies, sore and blocked sinuses; Dry, hacking, persistent cough; Nosebleeds, blood in mucous; Swollen, burning, teary eyes with mucous; Flu-like, fever, sore throat; Pneumonia, upper respiratory; Mycoplasma infections; Migraine or splitting headaches; Pain in back of neck, particularly at the top of the spine, extremely stiff neck; Disorientation, foggy brain, sudden dizziness; Extreme fatigue, lethargy, inability to concentrate; Loud ringing in your ears; Depression, anxiety attacks; Gastrointestinal distress, bloating; Diarrhoea, bloody stools; joint pain, Aching joints and muscles; Thirst (your pets, too) or loss of appetite; Loss of bladder control, tics or spasms; Recurring fungal infections; Metallic, oily or corrosive smell and taste
Use of T.I.T.A.N. (Thunderstorm Identification Tracking Analysis and Nowcasting) in cloud seeding operations
TITAN Website
Download TITAN for LINUX
NEXRAD & NOAA: the Doppler Weather Modification Method
Official NOAA Video: NEXRAD: Eye to the Sky
NOAA Website: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Evidence of Electromagnetic Radiation used to Modify Weather Patterns
Video: Nexrad & HAARP: Undeniable Weather Control ConnectionVideo: Nexrad Ring Evidence: Nationwide Weather Manipulation
Video: How Nexrad HAARP Works: Turning Natural Storms into Biblical Floods
Live Updates on NEXRAD Weather Modification HERE:
Blog: www.dutchsinse.comTwitter:
Weather Modification Links:
Video: Rosalind Peterson: Weather Hedge Funds
Video: Aussie Government: millions spent on rain technology b4 record breaking floods
Video: The girl who silenced the world at the U.N. for 5 minutes
Video: Weather Wars: The Multi-Billion Dollar Business of Weather Forecasting
Video: Weather Wars: Death From Above - Alex Jones Tv
Video: Weather Wars Documentary Promo
AMAZING!: Agriculture Defense Coalition
History: US Law Weather Modification Experimenting -
FAQ: Chemtrails - Frequently Asked Questions -
FAQ: Chemtrails or Contrails | 13 Frequently Aired Criticisms
FAQ: Chemtrail Central FAQ
Database: Weather
Organization: The Carnicom Institute
Database: Chemtrail Central:
Database: Chemtrails DataPage -
Photos: Chemtrails - spraying in our sky -
Links: ChemTrails in the Sky of Manitoba
Forum: Chemtrail Tracking USA
Forum: Rick's Gardening Tips
Chemtrails in Media
Wiki: Agent Orange - American Chemtrails over VietnamVideo: KSLA news confirms Chemtrails
Video: Prince talks about Chemtrails on TV
Video: Weatherman admits Military Dumping Chemtrails